Friday, March 21

Freedom Friday

One of the greatest freedoms we have in this country is freedom of religion. We are given the right to worship and serve God openly and passionately. As Christ followers around the world prepare to celebrate their most holy day, I'm mindful of those in countries who are imprisoned, beaten and tortured for openly practicing and sharing their faith.

The Voice of the Martyrs is a non-profit, interdenominational organization that aids Christians around the world who are being persecuted for their faith in Christ. You don't realize how incredibly fortunate we are to live in this country until you read the stories of these people. Here's just one story of a woman in China.

In July 2007, 42-year-old Li Mei and nine house church leaders were arrested, when they were discovered having a Sunday worship service. They were charged with singing Christian hymns to villagers, showing the JESUS film in a nursing home and praying for healing for a disabled elderly man. The nine were sentenced to re-education through labor for 12 to 18 months. Li Mei served part of her one-year sentence in a hospital with both hands chained to her bed. Repeated beatings and torture caused her to require a hysterectomy. She is currently serving the remainder of her sentence at home under house arrest.

As you celebrate Easter this Sunday, please keep Li Mei and other Christ followers who are suffering persecution like her in your prayers.

If you have a picture, factoid, or post that you'd like to share on freedom of religion, simply link up.



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